MatSci Undergraduate Research Grants
2023-2024 MatSci Undergraduate Research Grants (URG)
Applications are now closed for 2023-2024 MatSci Undergraduate Research Grants (URG). Please revisit Autumn 2024 for 2024-2025 MatSci Undergraduate Research Grants (URG) opportunities. Students are also encouraged to apply to our 2024 MatSci REU Program. More information on our REU Webpage.
The Materials Science and Engineering Department has launched a new program to encourage undergraduate participation in research during the academic year. Students have the opportunity to gain hands-on research experience and work directly with MatSci faculty and their research groups. Research in our department focuses on several of the Grand Challenges in Engineering, including projects on energy conversion and storage, regenerative medicine and tissue engineering, and nanomaterials synthesis and characterization. This funded program welcomes all students interested in MatSci research to apply.
Program Details:
URG students will conduct an in-depth research project under the supervision of a faculty advisor and a research mentor (graduate student or postdoc). URG students will receive a part-time research stipend for two quarters (Winter and Spring 2024) and will receive guidance in finding a research group. Additionally, URG students will have opportunities in the Winter and Spring quarters to meet with other research mentors to foster community between mentors and undergraduates.
Eligible applicants must be Stanford undergraduate students and have not received their Bachelor's degree before June 2024. Students must also be enrolled full-time during the Winter and Spring quarters. Current students from all backgrounds are encouraged to apply; applicants do not need to have declared a major or have prior research experience. However, preference is given to students with minimal research experience and those interested in majoring in MatSci. Co-terminal students are eligible to apply, but must have not received the B.S. degree prior to June 2024.
Student Expectations:
URG students are responsible for finding their own research group before the start of Winter quarter and are expected to start their research project on January 8th, 2024. URG students must join a core MatSci research group (no courtesy or adjunct faculty). URG students will receive guidance on the matching process at the end of Fall quarter from current MatSci graduate students.
During the Winter and Spring quarters, URG students are expected to participate at a part-time effort (10 hours per week). Any extended absences must be coordinated with the student's faculty advisor. URG students should enroll in courses in order to maintain full-time status, but should consider taking a reduced course load in order to balance coursework and research responsibilities. URG students are strongly encouraged to coordinate their course schedules with their research mentor. At the end of each quarter, URG students must submit a formal report or presentation to their research group and should consult with their faculty advisor.
How to Apply:
Applications are now closed for the 2023-2024 MatSci Undergraduate Research Grants (URG). Please revisit Autumn 2024 for 2024-2025 MatSci Undergraduate Research Grants (URG) opportunities. Students are also encouraged to apply to our 2024 MatSci REU Program. More information on our REU Webpage.
For more information or questions about the URG Program, please contact:
URG Program Co-Chairs | URG Program Coordinator |
Priyanuj Bordoloi ( Reddy ( | Dr. Haoxue Yan ( |