Engineer Degree
Engineer in Materials Science Engineering
The University’s basic requirements for the degree of Engineer are outlined in the Graduate Degrees section of the bulletin.
A student wishing to enter the Engineer program must have completed the requirements of the MS in Materials Science and Engineering, and must file a petition requesting admission to the program, stating the type of research to be done and the proposed supervising professor. Once approved, the application for candidacy must be submitted to the department’s student services manager by the end of the second quarter in the Engineer program. Final changes in the application for candidacy form must be submitted no later than one academic quarter prior to degree conferral.
The 90-unit program must include 9 units of graduate courses in Materials Science with a MATSCI subject code (no research units, seminars, colloquia, and MATSCI 400 Participation in Materials Science Teaching, Participation in Teaching) beyond the requirements for the MS degree, and additional research or other units to meet the 90-unit University minimum requirement. A grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 must be maintained for all degree course work taken at Stanford.
The Engineer thesis must be approved and signed off by two Academic Council faculty members, one must be a MATSCI faculty member.