Preparing to Graduate
Congratulations on almost finishing the MATSCI Major and your Stanford undergraduate career! To ensure that you have fulfilled all of the program requirements, we advise you to take the following steps in preparation for graduation. It is important that you complete each step in a timely manner to avoid delays in degree conferral.
Quarter before graduation
Double check your transcript, program sheet, and the Major requirements to ensure that you will be able to complete all program requirements with passing grades in all courses listed on your program sheet. If deviation petitions are required, make sure to get them submitted ASAP so there’s time for corrective action. Feel free to reach out to an MSE UG Advisor if you have questions or would like to chat!
Graduation quarter
Dates below are assuming Spring quarter graduation; otherwise map to the corresponding date in a different quarter (e.g., apply to graduate deadline).
First, make sure to apply to graduate on Axess by the Spring quarter deadline (Friday, April 12, 2024 at 5pm). If you miss this deadline, please contact the UG Advisors.
Please complete the following and send all materials to the Undergraduate Advising Committee ( by the graduation application deadline:
- Fill out a new Final Program Sheet showing you have completed (or will complete in Spring quarter) all program requirements and have it signed by your Major Advisor.
- All approved AP/IB/A-level/Transfer credit and completed courses should have their grades and units clearly listed in the Program Sheet.
- To apply these credit to your MatSci major, please also attach a copy of the email from Darlene Lazar confirming the credit can be applied to your SoE program. You should have done this during Major declaration; if not, contact her ASAP. See more information here.
- You can use any program sheet that overlaps with your UG career. But you must follow all the requirements listed on that single program sheet—no mixing of program sheet requirements from different years is allowed.
- All approved AP/IB/A-level/Transfer credit and completed courses should have their grades and units clearly listed in the Program Sheet.
- Attach a copy of your current unofficial transcript from Axess that includes enrollment for your graduation quarter courses and course grades from all other quarters.
- Include any deviation petitions to your program sheet (if necessary) and have them signed by your Major Advisor. Attach any previously-approved petitions and deviations for our records.
- If you have any SoE deviation petitions, please also attach a copy of the email, if possible, from SoE OSA (likely Darlene Lazar) confirming approval of the petition.
We will review your degree progress and follow up with you by email once you are all cleared. Please refer to the SoE UGHB website and the Stanford Student Services website for more graduation details and let us know if you have any follow-up questions.
Walk at Commencement prior to degree conferral
For some students, you may not be conferring your degree just yet, but would still like to participate at Commencement, e.g., to be with your entering class. For the main, campus-wide Commencement ceremony, please follow the instructions from Student Services regarding eligibility and petitions. If you'd also like to participate in the MatSci Department Commencement ceremony (where you actually walk across a stage), please email MSE Student Services for a separate walkthrough petition form.