Peiwen Ren | Student Spotlight
Peiwen Ren
Masters Student
Materials Science and Engineering
“The collaborative and inclusive environment at Stanford allows me to do cutting-edge research while also giving back to the community through new forms of teaching.
At Stanford, my research focuses on using computational methods to understand and design more efficient nanoparticle catalysts. With computational simulations, I aim to reduce the trial-and-error process of finding new chemistries and atomic structures for novel catalysts. This can help accelerate the transition to a more sustainable future by reducing the energy consumption of large-scale industrial processes such as the Haber-Bosch process that underpins our modern way of life.
Furthermore, I understand that such efforts require educating a new generation of scientists and making science more accessible to a wider audience. In my role as the course assistant for MATSCI 211: Thermodynamics and Phase Equilibria, I have developed scientific animations for thermodynamics concepts, which include common tangent construction, the Legendre transformation, and an interactive 3D phase diagram. By incorporating new forms of visual media into the curriculum, I strive to lower the barrier of entry for concepts that were previously difficult to understand and make the teaching materials more engaging for students.
I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to study and do research at Stanford. Throughout my time here, my friends and colleagues have made this journey more than just learning how to be a scientist, but also on how to give back to the community and forge new connections to make the impossible possible.”